Cartoon Comedian


Do you guys remember Cartoon Comedian?

She has now rebranded herself as Vanessa Akinyi after announcing her relationship with a man named 'Rotimi of Africa'


This Rotimi guy instructed her to delete her comedy skits, shave her hair, and change her name to prove her love and she did exactly that. Sources say Rotimi is a no nonsense man who never smiles and expects things to be done his way, and Cartoon has asked Kenyans to respect this by not calling her Cartoon Comedian anymore, to avoid upsetting her new found love.

Indeed love is a beautiful thing, now cartoon has quit her comedy career to focus on this relationship. My senior, Katetee Koroge, jokes that we might soon enroll her in Kivumbi Institute of Dust Management and Simping Technology for a certificate course.

And as always, we end with a Luo proverb that says, "A visitor who licks bones after a meal will surely chew and swallow them whole when he is in his own house."